Sales, Leadership Michael McMillan Sales, Leadership Michael McMillan

Your Finest Moment Comes Right After Your Darkest

As I reflect, the constant question I ask myself is, if I could have avoided all of this pain would I have done things differently? The answer I come to is always NO.  That miss in strategy allowed our team to double down on our sales strategy, and that clarity is now providing our clients with extreme sales growth.  

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Sales Michael McMillan Sales Michael McMillan

Sales People Can Get Sleep

Moving from the late night party boy to the respectable hour sleep sales guy was something I could not figure out how to do. I mean for the last 15+ years I had built a brand around amazing dinner experiences with clients, and even more epic nights out with them.  From Shanghai to Chicago I had more stories out with clients than I did with my own friends.

This blog was to give you a few steps I have taken to change my ways and proven to to be successful.

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